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Veduta di uno dei canali in città, in una bella giornata di sole, con grazioso ponte in ferro battuto. Le piante abbelliscono la vista: ai lati fronde verdi un salice piangente e ancora fiorellini rosa e violetta si specchiano sull'acqua e creano riverberi di luce e colore.


Treviso is a gorgeous surprise, a small town that fascinates people thanks to its Romanesque palaces, its frescoed and colourful facades and its canals and waterways, which give shimmering glares and enchanting glimpses.

Come and discover it and enjoy this friendly city, with its rythms, calm and lively at the same time. 

You can choose the highlights tour, with the most famous monuments and places (such as the Cathedral and Piazza dei Signori, the two main centers), the Loggia of the Knights,with its frescoes, the picturesque isle of the Fish market and the lively "Latin district", for instance; or you can go for tailor-made or themed itineraries: Treviso in Pink, Little Athens, Treviso in the literature, Treviso between the two millennia...

From any angles I'm sure that

the beauty of "my" Treviso will not disappoint you!


Writing about the "old spirit" of Treviso,

the famous writer Giovanni Comisso stated: "It is hidden in those warm and harmonious hypogea which are the Treviso winebars, survived over the centuries". Times and trends have changed, but we still love good quality eating and drinking!  And there are indeed many places where you can satisfy your palate with a good glass of wine, maybe a Prosecco from these green lands, or with a slice of Tiramisù, born right here, in the heart of the joyfull and amorous Marca region.  

And yet the famous dessert and the well-known bubble wine are not the only gastronomic delights of the area!

If you'd love a stroll to discover these delicacies and some places connected to them, it will be a pleasure to accompany you!

Dettaglio di una succulenta fett di tiramisù: la bianca crema al mascarpone si riversa sui dorati biscotti savoiardi, ricoperta da una spolverata di cacao. È cosí invitante, che una forchetta la sta per tagliare.



La Salute a Venezia, Basilica barocca, riccamente decorata e dominata da un'imponente cupola. La vediamo dall'alto, tra il Canal Grande e dietro il Canale della Giudecca. Sullo sfondo si intravede la Giudecca con la Chiesa palladiana del Redentore, avvolta da una luce lattea.


San Mark's square, with its elegant Doge's Palace and the precious Basilica, is one of the iconic places of the lagoon city, which oozes a long history of power and splendor

Yet this incredible scenography offers many emotions today too, especially if you compare this high-end place with the lively and colourful market of Rialto, dominated by the famous bridge, always bustling with life.

Between past and present, I love telling you historical anecdotes, but also curiosities related to daily life. 

Moreover you can't miss a tour by boat, to relax  and experience Venice from another point of view: from its lagoon. You'll fall in love with the scattered islands, all equally wonderful and different: for example Murano, with the famous glass factories, the colourful Burano and Torcello, with its seductive stillness. 


In Venice nothing is predictable, not even sensations and orientation. Thus it happens you may lose your way and find yourself in unknown and bewitching corners. Yes, getting lost in Venice is one of the best ways to get to know it and fall in love with this city, but, if you want to live this experience in total leisure, let me take your hand and accompany you far from the beaten tracks, where you will find a quieter, quintessential Venice. In districts like Dorsoduro and Castello we will be able to discover a city where time still passes slowly, where the inhabitants live far from the crowds. Yet, in these walks, there is no shortage of artistic beauties, small churches or regal palaces that suddenly pop out.  And if we explore Cannaregio, the Jewish ghetto will

surprise you with its unique history.

Venice really has many facesshall we discover them together?

Veduta su uno dei canali di Venezia a Cannaregio; lungo le fondamenta a sinistra la gente passeggia; vediamo negozi dalle tende colorate; i toni caldi rosso, arancio e ocra dei palazzi sulla sinistra sono vivacizzati da una bella luce, che contrasta con le acque scure.



Il fiume Adige con le sue acque azzurre e sulla riva destra il centro storico di Verona, con gli alti argini a protezione, case colorate e il campanile di mattoni di Sant'Anastasia.
In primo piano due sedie e un tavolo invitano a sedersi e godere dello scorcio su Asolo; il borgo con i suoi edifici color giallo chiaro scende verso la pianura; ad abbellire l'immagine alti cipressi sullo sfondo e un cielo azzurissimo.
Un tripudio di blu e azzurro: in primo piano le acque del Brenta, dietro le montagne che incorniciano Bassano e in cielo con qualche nube bianca. Il tutto è diviso dall'architettura lignea del celebre Ponte.


This center is certainly not small, but it is incredibly charmingVerona is the city of love and I actually left a little bit of my heart there, after I lived and worked in this amazing city. And speaking of which, you can't miss Juliet's house; we can admire Piazza Bra with the famous Arena, the regal Scaliger tombs, the lively Herbs ' Square, a restful view of the Adige river,.. Shortly, Verona is not just Shakespeare and the Opera and it's a pleasure to take you there.


Carducci defined Asolo  "the City of a hundred horizons", the writer Robert Browning invented the title "Asolando", meaning an aimless wandering through this charming village and experiencing its beauty; many others loved it and chose Asolo to spend part of their lives there. During this tour you will fall in love with Asolo and I will make you daydream, thanks to the Queen Cornaro,the adventurous Freya Stark, the sweet Eleonora Duse and many others. In this place you will relive other eras breathing Beauty.


The name of Bassano and its role in the First World War cannot be separated and in the city you can find many references to the tragic war events; yet here you can breathe the joy of living and a stroll in Bassano is a pleasure. During  the tour we will have a look at the lovely main squares, at the Church of San Francesco (external) and, of course, at the famous Bridge of the Alpines; we'll talk about the famous grappa (there is even a museum dedicated to it!), the codfish  and other delicacies and typical products of Bassano, a small pearl on the blue waters of the Brenta river.

Io di schiena che cammino su un sentiero sterrato sotto i filari dell' "Osteria senza Oste" e ammiro i vigneti del Cartizze, poco sotto, sulle colline del Prosecco.
Villa Barbaro a Maser: veduta dal cancello d'ingresso verso la villa; la strada di ghiaia sale leggermente e conduce alla facciata principale, gialla, impreziosita da quattro colonne e un frontone. Ai lati le due barchesse e le colombaie, simmetriche e inserite nel paesaggio, con verdi alberi dietro.
Il cuore di Serravalle: Piazza Flaminio, con i bei palazzi Veneziani, tra cui spiccano l'elegante Loggia con la torre campanaria e il suo orologio, abbelliti da affreschi. Di forma quadrata, non mancano osterie dove sostare riparati da alcuni ombrelloni bianchi. Sullo sfondo il verde dei boschi.


Recently added to the list of the UNESCO World Heritagethe Prosecco Hills don't offer only fresh delicious bubbles, but also enchanting spots, like the molinetto della Croda, a water mill, ancient Medieval churches, villages elected among the most beautiful ones in Italy, and, of course, green slopes. Regarding the wineries, you have plenty of choice: from the most modern and stunning ones, also from an architectural point of view, to the more traditional ones; the locals love their lands, that they work with care and love to produce excellent wines. 

Art, food, wine and nature merge in a unique experience .


Two names, two milestones in art and a common denominator: creative genius. In the province of Treviso we can visit two villas realized by the famous architect Andrea Palladio: Villa Barbaro, frescoed by the great painter Veronese, and Villa Emo. In these two wonderful creations immersed in mythological tales, we will be able to appreciate the great equilibrium of Andrea Palladio. In Possagno instead, the birthplace of the master Antonio Canova, we can visit the magnificent Temple, a project of the sculptor himself, and the Gypsotheca, the museum enlarged by Carlo Scarpa, where the original models are collected; it allows us to admire the grace of the Canovian masterpieces and to learn about the life of the neoclassical master.


If you have already been in Veneto or if you would like to visit other towns or villages, you have several proposals: Conegliano, with its Contrada Granda, Vittorio Veneto and the little gem of Serravalle, Oderzo and its Roman archaeological treasures, MarosticaCastelfranco and 

Cittadellasurrounded by mighty walls... In these towns and villages it is possible to spend a couple of hours together to listen to their history, visit the most important places, but also find awesome corners. Each of these places has its own peculiarities, but none of them will fail to bewitch you.

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